Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
currently part time scientific assistant and PhD student at the University of Hildesheim with the focus on Functional Pragmatics, Interculturality, Intercultural learning and Language Acquisition (mainly German as a foreign language)
Working title of the dissertation: Diskriminierung oder Rassismus? - Eine funktional-pragmatische Ausarbeitung systemischer Strukturen auf sprachlich-textueller Ebene in der Berichterstattung. (Discrimination or Racism? - A functional-pragmatic analysis of systemic structures on the linguistic-textual level in news articles.)assistant of the director of the Volkshochschule (VHS) Hildesheim
part time German teacher, including tutoring at Volkshochschule Hildesheim (VHS Hildesheim) for refugees as well as online
part time employee (responsible for project administration, teacher supervision, developing course concepts) at Volkshochschule Hildesheim (VHS Hildesheim) for a project preparing refugees theoretically and practically to obtain employment as a caregiver in a retirement home or hospital
Intercultural Teaching at the high school Jugend Christophorus Schule (CJD) in Elze, Germany
The University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany
International Information Management - Language Science and Intercultural Communication
Main focus: German as a foreign language
Graduation Grade: Master of ArtsInternational Communication and Translation
Main focus: German, English and Spanish
Graduation grade: Bachelor of Artsincluding Bachelor studies abroad at the University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
Main focus: Translation
TEOSL (Teacher of English to Speakters of Other Languages) Certification
telc examiner and rater licence
Certificate for teaching assistance in a "Language Learning Project for fled children and teenagers" ("Sprachlernprojekt für geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche")
Certificate of Advanced English (CAE)
Certificate for Intercultural Communication from the University of Hildesheim, Germany
TOEFL Certificate
German native speaker. Fluent in English (Cambridge C1 Certificate). Advanced Spanish (studying towards fluent skills). Basic French. Basic Russian (studying towards advanced skills)
Voluntary Social Commitment:
in Michigan, USA at the German classes in the High School and Middle School of Grand Ledge and Traverse City, at free time activities of the adult foster care Fairview, at the Museum of the Michigan State University (MSU) as a visitor guide and at the MSU German and Spanish Kids and Teen Camp